Thanks for choosing to eat real food, made locally, from scratch, and fresh daily. Our whole-grain breads are available directly in our bakery or throughout the East Metro area, including Kowalski's, Fresh & Natural, Marine General Store, and at number of local events.Did you know that our breads are made with:- Non-GMO Wheat
- No transfats
- No added chemicals or preservatives
Online Orders and Curbside Pickup: We strongly recommend that you take advantage of our online order capability as well as curbside pickup. Let's reduce the risk of unwittingly transmitting any creepy crawlies.
Our baking schedule is now being published online. You can check it out anytime.
As always, thanks for trusting us (and our amazing crew!) to bake your family's breads and goodies. Take care, and eat well!
~ Bob & Natasha Fleischman, Owners/Stillwater Residents